March 10, 2022, CTV
General Wayne Eyes, speaking at a defence conference in Ottawa says the threat of an invasion by Russia of Canada’s north is very low. Having been asked about Russians occupying one of Canada’s northern islands as they did in Crimea, he said the risk of that right now is very low but we don’t know about the future. Here this article diverges into two threads.
The CTV article goes on to discuss the need for Canadian security in the north. which is certainly an issue. Notes from the north, has written an article fully considering this issue, with a meaningful plan. Look Here. Realistically though, no one is going to do anything about security in Canada’s north.. Trudeau and his liberals do nothing that doesn’t buy them votes. Unless, a couple of Million people move to Nunavut, we won’t see security happen in the north. The Liberals will talk about security in the north they will talk about talking about it, but actually do something? It took 30 years to buy helicopters for maritime security. The whole north? We’ll be lucky to see anything before 2122. TheLiberal’s best plan is the myth that the U.S. will protect our north.
And this gets us to the second thread of this article. Surely Canada has to keep an eye on our north. We must be vigilant about Russian incursion, But, Russia isn’t the country most likely to invade Canada, The U.S. is. Consider a possible scenario. Global warming goes unchecked and the U.S. government continues to do little. Increased temperature exacerbate the water shortages which are even more a concern in many states. Add to this another Donald Trump, or for that matter, the same one again. A president who admires the world’s strong men. A President that thinks that invading one’s neighbours is ‘SMART’. A president leading a country that wants water. With a northern neighbour who just happens to have lots of water and a better climate for agriculture. This is by far the greatest scenario for Canada to be invaded. And considering that the U,S. has seen fit to try to invade us once already one would be foolish to not consider it happening again.
So! Does Canada need to strengthen its security in the north? Absolutely. But Canada needs to strengthen our security in its entirety. Particularly in our skies and on our three coasts. Our government should decrease our defence links to the U.S. and become much more like Sweden in our defence doctrine. Three immediate acquisitions should be priorities.
Gripen ‘E’ – The Gripen ‘E‘ is by far the best fighter jet for Canada for three reasons. First, it is a very capable airplane and meets all of Canada’s stated requirements. Second it is much cheaper to buy and cheaper to fly than other aircraft being considered. And third, All of the technology in it will be provided to Canada.
Corvettes – The purchase of 110 meter Corvettes instead of th planned 150 meter Frigates. This would provide Canada with a strong coastal ( littoral ) defence force. Corvettes today are well armed and technologically sound. Also being 1/5 the cost of Canada’s planned Frigates, Canada could buy many more of them. In addition, Canada’s navy is already short of naval crew and since Corvette crews are nearly 1/3 of the crew of a Frigate, more ships could be operational. Sailors would also have more opportunities for promotion and carrier advancement.
Gotland – Arguably the most effective submarines in the world, Sweden’s Gotland class are quiet and deadly. They can stay submerged for 4 weeks and cost only $433 million each. Compare to 4.65 billion for each type 26 frigate